by Michelle | Jun 9, 2024 | Peacebuilding
If you are an organization or individual seeking to refer a conflict to mediation services to be provided by Piedmont Peace Center, please check with at least one of the participants to ensure they want the case to go to mediation. If both parties do not agree to...
by Michelle | Jun 8, 2024 | Mediation
We look forward to seeing you at your mediation appointment. Before you arrive, please complete the following forms: Agreement to MediatePlease read this as it goes over how mediation works. The mediator will answer any questions you may have. This form will need to...
by Michelle | Jun 8, 2024 | Mediation
What is Mediation? Mediation is a method of resolving a legal dispute in which a neutral professional assists the parties to settle the dispute. Generally, the parties agree that all information will be shared and that they are seeking a “win-win” solution. The...
by Michelle | Jun 8, 2024 | Tax Credit
Piedmont Peace Center is a Neighborhood Assistance Program (NAP) organization run by the Virginia Department of Social Services. The purpose of NAP is to encourage businesses, trusts and individuals to make donations to approved non-profit organizations for the...